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Nurturelife Books

Here is the first look of the upcoming book, Humans of NurtureLife


Curated by Farah Sarosh and Sahar Quaze


An initiative by NurtureLife


More about the Book


Life is not a bed of roses; it often throws challenges at us. These challenges and hardships of life might humble us or even break us at times. Some people tend to give up when faced with complications in life.

On the contrary there are some people who are so determined and goal-stricken that absolutely nothing can sway them from their path towards success. Their enthusiasm, efforts and persistence aid them, and they set great examples for everyone around them.

“Humans of NurtureLife” is an enthralling compilation of 25 stories of people from all walks of life created in an attempt to proffer you a lease of hope and enlightenment in life. It deals with the success stories of some very erudite personalities and how they overcame the challenges in life.

This book will be available on Amazon Soon !

Publisher: Lab Academia

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