• +91 9839834350
  • nurturelifeindia@gmail.com
  • 18-B, Abdul Aziz Road, Lucknow



By raising awareness, understanding, empathizing and accepting. ‘Together We Can’ change the societal perception of mental illness and nurture many lives.

How old can I be?

Age isn't a limit to help anyone. But to join us you have to be equal to or more than 18 years old.

How To Associate With Us ?

To Associate with us you can go through the given contacts and links and reach us.

How Awareness Programs Helps ?

Awareness is a form of education and knowledge is power, this power can cause a positive effect in our community and public knowledge is need of the time and important in accessing community resources. The more people will learn, understand and empathize mental illness, "TogetherWeCan" change the societal perception and build a healthy society.

How old can I be?

Your donation is used to support all of the urgent humanitarian needs. Please get in touch if you would like to contribute in kind. All the used/unused item is used to support all of the urgent humanitarian needs.

Why To NurtureLife ?

Mental health is something that is rarely talked about and yet it is something that is guaranteed to affect everybody’s life in one way or another.Its time to break the stigma around and support each other.

Counsellings Are Free ?

Counselling services are free and completely confidential so that you can cope with a mental health condition, such as depression, anxiety or an eating disorder and upsetting physical health condition.

How Can We Spread to World ?

1. Find Inner Peace. If violence begins with stressful thoughts in the mind, then peace begins with silence in the mind.
2. Perform Acts of Kindness
3. Create Work-Life Balance.
4. Eliminate Prejudice.
5. Resolve to Be Happy.

Our Mission ?

We at NurtureLife help people over come of their Mental health issues we have a dedicated team of counsellors, therapists, artists and educationists we are reaching people through workshops, webinars, online/offline sessions and lending our help and care.

Why To NurtureLife ?

Mental health is something that is rarely talked about and yet it is something that is guaranteed to affect everybody’s life in one way or another.Its time to break the stigma around and support each other.

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